Browsing FNI Open Archive by Document Types "Research report"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Business as usual? The private sector’s changing role in Arctic environmental governance
(NUPI Policy Brief, Research report, 2019)How has the private sector engaged in crossborder Arctic diplomacy? Despite a focus on business actors as targets of policy recommendations from the Arctic Council and an increased attention on the importance of engaging ... -
China in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Key environmental issues and responses
(NUPI Policy Brief, Research report, 2020)China is dealing with very serious pollution levels and the unsustainable use of many natural resources. Environmental issues, concerning both air, ground, and ocean, have gained increasing recognition in Chinese domestic ... -
Energikrisen i Europa og det norske kraftmarkedet
(NTNU Rapport 429810, Research report, 2023)Dette notatet oppsummerer en serie workshoper som ble organisert våren 2022 av FME-sentrene NTRANS, CINELDI, ZEN, HighEFF, Include, NorthWind og HydroCEN, sammen med NTVA og DNVA. Ved noen workshoper ble flere partnere ...